

Supermarkets, large shops and most shops are open every day. The latter is often closed in the morning, but open until late evening. Bargain in the shops is not accepted, but in the markets it is necessary.

Number one souvenir is the famous Armenian cognac with many brands which can be found in almost any store. The best-known varieties are "Ararat", "Armenika", "Sayat Nova", "Noah", "Armenian cognac". Cost of 0.75 liter quality cognac is 6500 AMD and more.

  Pay attention to wonderful Armenian carpets with traditional motifs in design, which are sold not only in specialized souvenir shops, but also in the Yerevan market (the largest selection). Antique rugs can be purchased at the "Vernissage" - a giant flea market which is open on Saturdays at the Republic Square in Yerevan.

Among other souvenirs - wood products (stand for a bottle of cognac, vases and plates for fruit), doll amulets and traditional dolls, tapestries, glassware and Christmas decorations with national motifs, "Tarosiki" - mini-gifts to guests at weddings, bronze statues of national heroes.